邊讀邊翻譯給女兒聽之後,她兩眼閃亮亮的看著書中穿舞衣的女孩,一臉羨慕模樣。讀完我去研究一下這本書的作者,才驚覺原來這本書是Debbie Allen自己的故事,而Debbie Allen從舞者、演員一直到作者,同時也是個媽媽,身兼多重身份,是個很棒的女性。
I was taller than the rest of the kids at school, even the boys. At our recitals all the other girls got to dance solos and duets, and wear pretty tutus I was too big for the boys to pick up, and too tall to be in the line with the other girls. So I watched from backstage, dancing in the wings, hoping that if I just kept dancing and trying, it would be my turn to dance in the spotlight.
I told him what had happened. “I’m just so much taller than the other dancers, Uncle Redd.”
“Sassy,” he said, “you gotta look at that as a gift. Being tall means you can see all around, so you can always find the right path to take.”
……All you gotta do to make your mark on the world is walk into a room.”
Uncle Redd因為其貌不揚,所以總得靠鮮豔的衣物來引人注目。而他覺得Sassy的身高是很棒的禮物,要好好善用,終有一天會被發現。
Everyone was expected to wear black, but like Uncle Redd, I picked my own color, bright yellow.
And instead of standing in the back, I squeezed between Molly and Mona, right in the front row. I ignored their snickering.
為了引起老師的注意,Sassy 特別選了醒目的黃色舞衣,而且故意站在第一排這中央,兩側就是鄙視她的同學,但她完全不理會她們輕蔑的眼神。追求夢想需要勇氣,也需要一點技巧,雖然不用到不擇手段的地步,但必要的小心機還是要的。
Jumping and shouting, I ran to the parking lot. “I made it! I made it! Mama, I made it!”
Guess who was there to pick me up. Mama, Uncle Redd, Hughie, and half his football team piled in the back of the green truck on their way to a game. Everybody was so proud of me, even Hughie. “You go, Miss Big Foot.”
媽媽、Uncle Redd和一直喜歡和她鬥嘴的哥哥都來接她,而且為她感到驕傲。家人們的愛,始終是Sassy能夠勇往直前的最大後盾。
When Dwight lifted me high in the air, I felt like I was dancing on the Milky Way.
Me and my big feet…making my mark on the world.
Dancing in the Wings (ISBN: 9780142501412)
※ 本文已取得作者同意轉載。
作者:MON MON媽的四人世界